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The Variety of the WOW Task

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:57 am
by zhangl0512
Many the default interface settings have been adjusted for WOW task, and it is more convenient and beneficial to use it for the novice players.

Many the default interface settings have been adjusted for WOW task, and it is more convenient and beneficial to use it for the novice players. The players may need to review the establishment of new roles and these interface settings, these default settings have become different for the user interface. Players can be tracked on the map of the mission objectives.

Showing the map a button has been added to the WOW task log. Select the task, and then click this button will open contact with the mission objectives of the location of the map area. Player can use the task log; in this region of the other current tasks, there will be displayed. The WOW map interface is divided into the four separate panels, the Map panel (left), it shows the current browsing area of the active task list panel, they indicate that any outstanding task of highlighting the full text of the task panel, and display prominent awards highlight the task information panel.

The view map of all the regions lists on the right panel, the current task will be assigned to the number. These numbers will be based on each WOW task with the current regional ties displayed on the map. Click on the right panel a task name, it will be highlighted on the map on the left with the task of the contact area, the task content will be displayed in the lower left panel, while the task of reward will be displayed in the lower right.

Some of the WOW tasks in the goals can be completed in multiple locations on the map, so click on this task will be highlighting the role of the current location of the effective target area in the vicinity. This function can select the new WOW map interface by removing the lower right corners of the "show mission objectives" to disable the task, restore maps into the old standard full screen.